
  • Evany~1~Learning

    Kind of an introduction to a story I'm gonna really get into. If you like the story, remember: Even acomplished wizards like reviews. Not much I can say about the story, but that It introduces the concept of Voldie the chicken

  • Raven's Wing~Prolouge~Mischief in Progress

    A MWPP fic that starts with a bit from A HEART'S DESIRE. If you havn't read the former, you can just scroll down to the big letters, and enjoy the actual RAVEN's WING K? Got that?

  • A Heart's Desire

    It's one of those 'Who ends up with who?' things. And Hermione MAY NOT end up with Draco. Iris MAY NOT end up with Draco. You decide who ends up with who. So, REVIEW!

  • Venom

    Sequel to my not-quite finished fic, IN THE DARK OF THE NIGHT. Draco's kids. Applause to anyone who can guess at the last sentence. ~A Juicy bit of gossip~ Lucious cheats on Narcissa!

  • In the Dark of the Night

    My masterpiece! No, it's NOT a romance! (under my breath) Not yet... Anyway... You-Know-Who has come to school! Read, or A THOUSAND CRAZED FURBYS ON YOUR GRAVE AFTER YOU"VE BEEN EATEN BY A CARNIVOROUS QUARTER-PONIE!!!

  • Sweet)Revenge of the Dog's Tounge-2-Crazed Furby

    Fixed it! REVIEW! Even if you hate it, review! Voldie and Gilderoy (Lockheart) sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G.

  • And All Went Black

    What happens when Shiara writes her first humor fic? MAHEM!!! Add Draco, Hermione, Harry, Marco, Rachel, Cassie (animorphs) Dr. Loco Furby, Sas (my dog) and Me, stir well, enjoy!

  • Secret Love

    D/H romance. R/R if you like it