
  • Moving On

    Hmmm...I think I'm wasting a good title. Not that this isn't a good story...it actually is, just I think I could have come up with a better title. This is a humor/romance/OOC story all in1 it's kinda my escape from writers block. It's not done...It's pre

  • It's a 007 Kinda Life

    post-hogwarts. H/Hr. part one of my little series. Harry's 21 and a secret agent. I think this could get pretty good. Please Read and REVIEW! I suck at thinking of titles :(

  • Fond Farewells

    You know those things that 8th and 12th graders put in their yearbooks? What they leave behind and to who. Well I wrote some fond farewells for the charectors! READ AND REVIEW (emphesis on the REVIEW) luv Kammie

  • The non-magical world of Zo

    READ THIS! It's funny and ORIGINAL! I thought of it all by myself and I don't think it has EVER been done before. HUMOR enjoy

  • I knew I loved you

    you poor people will hear MUCH from me untill the book comes out, be warned..oh yeah and read and review my stories

  • When Monkeys Take Over Hogwarts

    complete stupidity. I was bored out of my mind and I don't know why I did it. r/r I don't care about flames...on this story at least... calling it a story is actually to kind.

  • Graduation (Friends Forever)

    Ok, this is my first attempt at song-fiction, it's Vitamin C's Graduation (Friends Forever) ummm...I think it's Ok.H/H There is, like, no Ron at all. Please R/R

  • If I met you in Heaven

    Title will make more sense later