

  • Dudley Dursley and the Gross Abnormality

    Based on the experiences of everyone's most misunderstood teenager and how he copes with having a cousin that's one of "them."

  • First In Space

    Everything's stayed the same for 1995, except for one girl, who has realized a few things about her life. Will her change have been for the better, or is something not quite right with the whole scenario?

  • Voldie the Evil Dark Lord

    A "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" parody fic, just in time for the end of January. ^_^

  • Heartache

    It's a short fic about losing someone you care about. I don't mention names, but in the reviews you will see who guessed the two characters I was thinking about. Eighty (hash)Brownie points to them!