
  • For Your Love

    What REALLY happened after Hermione left Harry to go tend for Ron in book one? R+H!! (OK, ppl are going "They're only 11!! but this is the only timeframe that works so...(or else I would've put it in their 5th year)anyway, thanks for da reviews!)

  • Miste

    When a mysterious dragon awakens from her decades of sleep, what does she have in connection with Ron? And what will Hermione do about it, just when she finally realizes her true feelings? (Ron's past revealed!)

  • Femalius

    Oh...my..gawd...my first ever HP fic and I torture poor Draco like this...::sighs:: ok ok, summary. He gets turned into a grl by Ron's charm, and encounters some disabilities along the way...excuse me while I go dip my head in acid. ::trundles off:: ::aud