

  • A Day In Their Life

    A quick glance at how the detective and his shrunken scientist managed to find a little fun in between their tedious and exhausting everyday schedule. [Part 3 of A Week of Their Sweetness]

  • Memory Chip

    Still about Shinichi’s phone that couldn’t keep silent for the whole evening, and Haibara who could say nothing about it but wish it ill. [Part 2 of A Week of Their Sweetness]

  • Busy as a Bee

    It was supposed to be one leisurely weekend morning reserved for the detective and his shrunken scientist. But his phone wouldn’t just stay quiet even on their days off.

  • Our Life as a Family

    The detective had returned to his normal life, while the scientist remained. They were neighbors but had been walking their lives on their own separate ways for eight years. So what could a baby do to make them tangled up to each other now?

  • A Secret Rhapsody

    Her heart was always weak against him, and it would always be. It all started only with a simple glance at his pair of dark blue orbs, but this sweet secret affair between them and their play pretend were too much arousing.

  • Trapped Souls

    He knew it wasn’t her soul he was seeing right now, it was her blue eyes he was seeking. And it was more than enough for his repressed ego to finally recoil the overdue remorse he had held all this long– the guilt he himself hadn’t known he had.