Sequel to Damaged Goods - The Empire rose. Jedi are dead or being hunted down. Kal's family took their chance, leaving Coruscant, not without problems, when some were left behind, others joined them. Kal mourns, as his family fights to survive this new era. A'den searches for his wife, as she attempts to escape the Empire with the realisation that the Clones continue to be used.
Maze - definitions - bewilderment, convolution, entanglement, hodgepodge, imbroglio, intricacy, jungle, knot, meander, mesh, miscellany, morass, muddle, network, perplexity, puzzle. Alpha 26 - Maze was called many things, a plank, a cold fish, an ice berg by the Nulls. They should have know better. Ice melts, with even a little warmth.
There had been rumours surfacing of three men who looked e exactly alike living in the desert. Former Clone Captain Maze and former Jedi Arligan Zey are tasked with finding them. Following on from JAC - just Veteran clone
A clone veteran see someone else he knows but this isn't a General. I am not sure where I am going with this yet.