
  • Fiery Rebirth

    All it takes is one little twist. One little spark. To change the course of history. June 19th, 1944 IJN Taiho was struck by a single torpedo, leading to a series of detonations that lead to Taiho being written off as sunk. January 18th, 1945, USS Philippine Sea finish her workup and prepares for combat operations.

  • Other Side of the Fence

    What makes a deal with the Devil worth it? What is the price of one's immortal soul? Though, in Laura's case, she had to find herself asking, "what price"? Free from parents that wanted her dead, now able to live her life freely, without persecution and hate? If she knew the deal was this good, she would have signed up long ago. Add in a new family that loves and cares for her?

  • The Chains that Bind

    So. In your darkest moments, you call upon me. Your despair and your fear. Your secret confidant. Very well. My power is yours to wield. At a price of course. In a world of quirks, it should not stand out to those who do not have a keen eye. But best beware those that do. After all, the peace you've sought might slip through your fingers. Or worse, be violently torn away.

  • Verdant Green

    A new day, another day of hard work. Expect instead of the usual nine to five, I'm now the kid sister of a video game, and little sister obsessed Goddess. You'd think that has plenty of sweet perks? Wrong. Antics abound in the Leanbox Basilicom. And that's before the whole, 'my sister gets kidnapped' plot. Being a CPU Candidate isn't an easy job.

  • Spangled Seas

    An Ocean Plains Sequal. Isabella and Luzon have finally arrived at Sasebo, out of Abyssal hands. But just because they are now safe, doesn't mean they're unscathed. Or that troubles still don't remain. The Philippine Government, desperate for a win after the growing dissent from the evacuation scandal, seeks to claim Luzon as their own, while some Admirals view Isabella warily.

  • That Time I Reincarnated as a Shipgirl

    Imagine, waking up in your own life. Accept, it's not. Instead, you've de-aged and swapped genders. Meaning you have to rebuild your life from scratch. And now there are murderous monsters prowling the seas, intent on exterminating humanity from the Earth. At least I have to perk of being completely landlocked. Wait? I'm a shipgirl? Well, there goes that idea.