
  • What could have been between us

    [One shot] Sometimes, you may learn things your were not meant to know.

  • Heart fissure

    [One shot] Even though it should have appeased her, it only brings her despair. GiyuShino week 2022 Day 6: Sunrise.

  • A place where you can belong

    [One shot] Despite the fear, despite the uncertainties, she knows she has found a place where she can be safe, a place where she can always return. GiyuShino week 2022 Day 5: Family.

  • Small gestures, everyday

    [One shot] Once everything ended, they created a routine for themselves, one in which every gesture counts. GiyuShino week 2022 Day 2: Love languages.

  • Hello, who are you?

    [One shot] They had heard of each other before. Today, they finally meet for the first time. GiyuShino week 2022 Day 1: First meeting.

  • Crisis

    Dark thoughts swirl in his head. He silently wishes they'll become true.

  • Kiriya's cats

    A story about Ubuyashiki Kiriya and his two cats, Giyuu and Shinobu.

  • Relapse

    [One shot] It all goes well, it all goes very well... until it comes crashing down on you all over again.

  • Until my mind dissolves and my body breaks

    Collection of NSFW drabbles/short one shots about Giyuu and Shinobu.

  • Emptiness

    [Short one shot] Whenever the pain settles again in his heart, he seeks her comfort: and she's always willing to provide it.