
  • Where It All Began And Ended

    Athos thought that leaving Paris, he was leaving all heartache behind, but he is reminded that happiness never lasts long for him, when his family is once again struck by tragedy. Now struggling not to fall back into old habits, he returns to Paris, where even more misadventures await him.

  • Tell Me All The Ways To Stay Away

    The more he tried to avoid her, the more he saw of her. The more he pushed away, the stronger he felt the pull. The more he tried to forget her, the more he remembered. It was like battling an infection, cutting it away, only for it to come back.

  • Black Out Days

    She looked just as he remembered her, just the way she looked in his dreams.

  • Regrets

    "Do you ever regret leaving Paris?"

  • Back to the Summer

    After Jon Snow killed Daenerys beside the Iron Throne, Drogon decided to burn him alive. But instead of eternal darkness, he was greeted with warm furs and a soft bed in Winterfell. With his memories of his previous life he has a pretty good idea of how to fix things. Unfortunately it wasn't just his mind that woke up in the past… but his grown up body too... (Arya is there too)

  • In The Middle Of The Night

    "We could get arrested for this."

  • Somewhere Between In Love and Broken

    Alternate ending to 2x10.

  • Everything he's ever wanted

    "I've got everything I've ever wanted." "Then why are you sitting in this filthy tavern, drinking cheap wine?"