
  • Explicit Consent

    Open communication and consent are sexy, Rose and Scorpius edition.

  • A Beautiful, Damaged Life

    Hermione and Draco run into each other by chance at a post-war support group. They start to open up to each other, learn to trust each other and start a tentative friendship. When Draco is incapacitated one night by a stray curse, their mutual trust changes into something more. Graphic ABDL.

  • Adjacent

    Rose and Scorpius explore the question of, "Is flirting just a means to an end, or can flirting be its own end?" Rating is for mentions of adult themes, and a potential second chapter.

  • Six Years

    Rose and Scorpius parted as friends at the end of grade school - but that was six years ago. They're still friends, and are about to embark on their very first joint drinking adventure. What events will precipitate because of the alcohol? One day's worth of related one-shots in a non-magic A.U.

  • Care of Magical Creatures

    It's in Care of Magical Creatures that Rose first sees Scorpius as a sensitive, intelligent and altogether quite attractive human being. Ten years later, the two are friends with a history. How long will it take for them to move past residual shyness and learn to care for the ultimate magical creature in their lives?

  • If Wishes Were Fishes

    Why have two separate fantasies when you could just have one dance with no pants?

  • Anti-Voodoo Doll

    In which Rose and Scorpius dance around the sexual tension until it comes to a head. What to do, what to do. Collegiate A.U.

  • Burn

    At a post-graduation bonfire, Rose and Scorpius see sparks burst into flame.

  • Wonder Woman

    Scorpius Malfoy, Ice King of Hogwarts, wants his Wonder Woman, and that's Rose Weasley. But what will it take to melt that frosty exterior to expose the heart of flame inside?