
  • This Is The Rest Of Your Life

    "It was easy to lose perspective because there was this one thought playing over and over..." Tara has just fallen during her company audition, leaving Christian reeling, knowing that she may never fully recover. His thoughts on Tara, his mom, Sammy, and his future. This is my first fan fiction! Please let me know what you think! Thanks! ***I DON'T OWN DANCE ACADEMY!***

  • Heart to Heart

    Tara is desperate to know for sure where she stands with Christian and if there is any hope of being with him again. Christian is torn between staying to be with Tara or spending the summer with Raf. Set after the Prix at the end of season 2... What I think should have happened. Let me know what you think! Thanks! *** I DON'T OWN DANCE ACADEMY! ***