

  • Birth Rite

    Xelloss and Zelgadis investigate ancient magic and mysteries in a strange seacoast village, and discover a plot which might threaten the world! Or at least, really mess up their relationship. Chapter 34: The Festival Begins! (Meant to be posted on Halloween, but ffnet was playing tricks of its own.)

  • Breathing Love

    Harry's odd little habit during sex allows Snape to transform a horror from the past to an act of love in the present. Snarry, slash, includes breathplay and heavy themes and fluff! . not DH compliant.

  • Soul Mates

    Murata wants to understand Jeneus better, but in a world made of memories, it's Daikenja who reveals hidden knowledge to both of them. Murata/Daikenja/Jeneus threesome, romantic fluffy yaoi lemon XD

  • Seme Mode

    Murata is full of surprises, and Yozak likes it that way. YozMura steamy-fluff, written for Starrose way back when.

  • Prelude to the Hunt

    While the triumphant hero rides off into the sunset, wolf-girl Fonfon watches, remembers, and plans. Fandom is the h-game "Lightning Warrior Raidy." Raidy/Fonfon femslash. Drabble.