Constellations of Neverland

  • O c t a v o

    Having acquired wealth from Corona's tiara, Eugene has restarted his life as a solitary aristocrat in foreign lands. Tonight, he's attending a Nordic queen's coronation for sketchy purposes of his own, but he's not the only serpent in the grass. (Eugene x Elsa x Hans)

  • ๑(Before Sunrise)๑

    Although trains came and went, plans changed, planets collided, and that gap between thoughts and desires shrank into a dotted line, their pseudo-cynicism always stopped their "could-be's" from becoming "something more." Yet no matter how rational we think we are, we all hate waking up at sunrise; some of us will spend a lifetime just trying to sit up. [Film Adaptation]

  • Bookstruck: (Do You Wanna Hear a Story?)

    "He could go anywhere he wanted to go; he could do anything that he wanted to do―" And for a child who couldn't, it only made her think of walls with no windows and bedrooms with closed doors, parental guidance that advised her to, "never go anywhere until you've learned how to suffocate underneath the weight of your own gloves." Frozen/Tangled AU Drabbles (Full Summary Inside)

  • ༺ The Rat & the Monster ༻

    "There is a rat in Corona's castle and a monster on Arendelle's throne." Discrimination and conspiracy theories have spared neither Prince Eugene nor Queen Elsa from vilification. Even as they try to be strong for their loved ones, their eyes are forced open to their past mistakes. (Elsa x Eugene x Rapunzel)

  • ༆The Quivering Pens

    It is easier to overwrite yourself than it is to take authorship of the life you leave behind. An orphan wants to be more than his dirty hands; a princess wants to be more than her shaking fingers. One learns to survive through imitating a storybook swashbuckler; the other must imitate the crowned king in her picture frame. How many bones does it take to break character?

  • ༄The Queen's Thief

    Arendelle's firstborn is to be assassinated by the royal court; a wanted thief is blackmailed into stealing Her Majesty for an ungodly bargain. When titles fall and the world exiles them both, solitude elicits solicitude. A politically dire alliance is formed in exchange for his immunity when she is re-crowned, but to blur the lines is to suffer the consequences.