Hideki starts off on a new adventure. The world of moemon. Where pokemon are like humans but here is the twist. To be claimed, they have to lose their virginity. Will Hideki make it out without losing his virginity? I hope... Rated M for language and moemon.
Made for you to enjoy! I won't need any of your reviews to cheer me on. It ends when I think it ends but...I might grow attached to the story so yay! - Fabulous Mob Talker. Gave me the idea!
Mike gets...yeah. Rates T for slight violence but mostly for everybody.
Hideki fights against many people in a "dream tournament" when the damage you take is in real life. Will be make it out alive or will he die ultimately? Find out! XP
Hideki and Shiro go on an assassination mission. Will Shiro prevail trying to let Hideki notice her?