
  • Gossamer

    The Courier has to help Joshua after the Legion won the war at Hovver Dam. She's trying to escape the Legion and can only find solace in Joshua who will only help her escape in exchange for her own help with the Dead Horses.

  • Savior of the Wastes

    When her father leaves the safety of the vault, Eleanor is forced to follow in his footsteps. Charon must help her with her addictions and coping skills. He struggles to keep not only her, but also her unborn baby, safe from the harsh realities of the wasteland.

  • Dog Days

    A story about Charon before the war. It will get dark, I'm warning you now. In order to save people the confusion, I must also included that Charon's name before the war was Nick. Slow to get to the Lone Wanderer.

  • Break My Bones

    Vulpes falls in love with one of the slaves, Sennia. Their love is difficult at times but they manage. The war is taking its toll on the Legion and Vulpes must go through extremes to keep Sennia safe. He must keep his promise to Sennia that he will free her.

  • Take My Bones

    Oneshot of Vulpes and Sennia getting physical for you thirsty hoes. Rated M for sexual content. That's seriously all it is. Just sex.