
  • Rumors

    (In which Sammy never died) Abigail, stressed from preparations of finals, spends the night at Sammy's. The resulting gossip makes her head spin, and she's out to dispel the rumors as quickly as some second year started them. [Samigail] [Oneshot]

  • The Bucket List

    (AU where Sammy is alive and everything is how it should be) After third year, Abigail and Sammy work on checking off Abigail's bucket list. Adventures ensue. [Samigail] [one-shot collection]

  • Between the Lines

    "The words weren't able to escape either of their lips, but remained in the air between them, lingering unspoken before the unlit fire and their interlocked fingers." A collection of missing moments mostly between the battle and the epilogue. R/Hr

  • Roses and a Lake

    "Ron remembered waking up before dawn and tethering each rose to the ground so the wind wouldn't knock them over, fumbling over the ties with his shaking hands" A Ron/Hermione drabble.