
  • The Truth in The Delusions

    What happens when Kate realizes she can never trust Donnie again? What happens when she arrives at Daniel's door in tears? What happens when Daniel can't discern a hallucination from reality? What happens when someone can SEE Daniel's hallucinations? I do not own Perception, and I love reviews!

  • The Bleeding Hearts on a Soft White Cloud

    It's my recreation of the aftermath of Season 6 Finale. I will be expanding the story further and might be compelled to increase the rating but for now it will be T. I don't own the show and don't get paid for this, I just like to play with the characters. Its my first time trying fan fiction with these characters so reviews are appreciated and answered. Thank you. [COMPLETE]

  • The Innocence in the Aftermath

    This is my first fan fiction, so reviews are very shiny. I have to change the rating from K to T because of Violence. It's after the movie, somewhat, but the difference is Wash is alive but Inara is dead. Sorry, not sorry. I really hope every Browncoat enjoys it. I don't own any of the characters, so don't sue me, please. Mal/Kaylee, Simon/River, Wash/Zoë.

  • Arctic Wonderland

    This is after Jane came back but before Marcus Pike... what happens when Jane and Lisbon are stuck in a cabin during a snow storm with no way out and no way to communicate with anyone... with hidden feelings and emotions find their way out or will they stay completely platonic as they must cuddle together to preserve body heat. Definitely AU... the cover was made by melovecastle...

  • The Bug Infested In Their Lives

    CSI: NY had some great scenes and some bad ones... this is an AU where Mac and Claire have a daughter they've never met and her involvement and change in their lives... It might grow longer than anyone of you might like, just a warning... Though Claire is here, sort of, it is Smacked, even though it doesn't start out that way... Sorry... I may or may not kill some characters...

  • Now and Forever

    This is a small idea that refused to leave. I hope you like it...