

  • Daenerys: Thranduil's daughter

    Thranduil's daughter was taken from him. Now that hes found her, she wants little to do with him or Legolas. Can they convince her other wise? Or will she be lost to them. AU. Rating may go up! Chapter 13 up! Please Review! :)

  • For the Love of a Child

    The Count's youngest daughter brings back memories of his daughter, Ingrid. One-Shot Rated T for character death. Please Review. AU.

  • Adam's Decision

    Adam has to make a life or death decision about a young girls life. His decision could change his and Eve's life for eternity. T just to be safe. Please Review!

  • Unexpected Gifts

    Homura brings the Sanzo Party Gifts that will change their lives and futures forever. And not only will their futures will be affected but many others as well. However, in the end, who is really receiving these gifts.

  • Shattered

    Maka is slipping away. Can she be saved before it is to late. Dark Fic! **TRIGGER WARNING! Suicide attempt! Please Review and let me know if i should even continue! ***ON HOLD TILL FURTHER NOTICE****