After more than a century, it was over. In this moment, it was just Mitchell and the sea.
Alex reflects on her life and afterlife.
A Jem and Lisa flash fic for the #saveintheflesh challenge for the intheflesh-art tumblr.
Lloyd Pinkie has a breakthrough on inter-type cohabitation while conducting surveillance on Windsor Terrace; Kemp forms an idea on how to make John Mitchell understand the pain caused by vampires. Takes place just after episode 2.2.
Alternative ending to being human UK. A collaboration with Psmith73 as part of the bh alt ending meme for the beinghumanbbc Tumblr. The Devil's Dream. The Battle of Orsha. Hatch makes Hal an offer...
Set during S2. The unnamed girl who offered her blood to Mitchell and was eventually fed to Ivan is now a ghost. Feeling guilty and helpless, Mitchell tries to help her find her unfinished business by bringing her to Annie, who's just about had it with Mitchell's cagey behavior.