

  • Currents

    After more than a century, it was over. In this moment, it was just Mitchell and the sea.

  • Monologues From Honolulu Heights: Alex

    Alex reflects on her life and afterlife.

  • One More Day

    A Jem and Lisa flash fic for the #saveintheflesh challenge for the intheflesh-art tumblr.

  • Low Frequency

    Lloyd Pinkie has a breakthrough on inter-type cohabitation while conducting surveillance on Windsor Terrace; Kemp forms an idea on how to make John Mitchell understand the pain caused by vampires. Takes place just after episode 2.2.

  • Eveything Is Connected

    Alternative ending to being human UK. A collaboration with Psmith73 as part of the bh alt ending meme for the beinghumanbbc Tumblr. The Devil's Dream. The Battle of Orsha. Hatch makes Hal an offer...

  • Dead Girls

    Set during S2. The unnamed girl who offered her blood to Mitchell and was eventually fed to Ivan is now a ghost. Feeling guilty and helpless, Mitchell tries to help her find her unfinished business by bringing her to Annie, who's just about had it with Mitchell's cagey behavior.