

  • Uncertain Future

    A locked-in curse he hates, his future uncertain with many difficult decisions ahead to be made. Can he rise above all his woes or will he be swallowed up by the never-ending Chaos that is his soon to be her life? O.O.C. Content, and Alternative reality.

  • Chain Reactions

    Story is a Ranma/Hikaru pairing. Gosenkugi wants revenge on Ranma and looks like he may soon gets his wish. however it will not be exactly how he had planned it.

  • House Incarnate

    Ranma gets invited to go to the arcades with his two friends Daisuke, and Hiroshi. Upon arriving at the arcades he learns Nabiki is already there waiting as was also invited. Upon learning the invitation was to test a new style of game system and game the gang decides to willingly test the game what can possibly go wrong? O.O.C. and Mature Content.

  • Heaven's Lost Angel

    Many people in the world make requests in the form of prayer to their varying deities, many of these prayers go unheard.. However sometimes they are heard by the most unlikely of sources. O.O.C. content, Alternate reality story.