Onkwehonwe Kashatstenhshera

  • Grand Theft Auto: Waston

    Four different criminals find themselves in the NE metropolis of Waston. One is an ex Mossad agent looking to escape his past and find a new life with his estranged family, a WPD officer towing the line between cop and criminal, & a criminal from the far

  • GTA Online: Concrete Jungle

    A cartel hitman, an ex soldier, a wayward gunmen with no cause, an ex KGB agent, & a familiar family oriented coke addicted thug find their way to sunny LS finding themselves around similar scum. Immoral car salesmen, low life bangers, king pins, & hacker

  • A World Without Fear

    New pockets of outbreaks run the risk of the previous pandemic repeating itself. The DSO, BSAA & TerraSave are tasked with a race against time to battle the new epidemic and those responsible. The Raccoon survivors and their new allies must new enemies. But what about enemies long forgotten? What about enemies reborn and enemies resurrected? Takes place between 2014 and 2018.