
  • To Rebuild

    What can bring together two sisters who are long separated, battered by war, divided by time and circumstance? Persistence. A reunion in five steps.

  • Falling Up From Grace

    In 1935, Grindelwald is gaining power, high pureblood society is choosing sides, and Cedrella Black is contentedly ignorant of it all—until the events of the outside world inevitably find their way into her life, and she must learn to think for herself.

  • Decidedly Not Playing The Field

    You can tell Harry—and Hermione, and anyone else who would be turned on by the two of us being together—to sod off. -- Eight more people Ginny Weasley never slept with. Crackfic sequel to Pure By Choice.

  • One Thing Right

    They can fly without magic, Pads, surely you have faith in their sweet-manufacturing abilities." -- Remus and Sirius both make their own discoveries.

  • Stand

    He pulls her down. He pulls her with him along a road which leads to folly, a road which leads to death, and she spreads her fingers across her belly and she is terrified.

  • Only Thread

    It still affects us more than you'd think, especially since it hides behind a locked door every day." -- Teddy Lupin visits the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black.

  • Of Course

    “When people are married like your mum and dad, they give each other stuff. Or kiss each other.” He wrinkled his nose. -- Teddy gives Victoire a Valentine's Day present.

  • Things Learned From Books

    It figured a Ravenclaw was behind this. -- Andromeda takes a book recommendation on good faith.

  • Pure By Choice

    The only purpose would be for us to inadvertently bring Draco and Hermione together, and I am not a plot device. -- Seven people Ginny Weasley never slept with. Crackfic.

  • Descent

    She found herself flexing her fingers around her wand, willing herself to keep the promise she’d just made and trying to remember when she’d decided to break her most important one. -- It takes Bellatrix eight years to go mad.

  • A Matter Of Destiny

    Rain is not a good sign. It brings him nothing. -- Five things Tom Marvolo Riddle never had.

  • Living in Colour

    Even when he is young, he can’t help but notice that his almost–cousin Victoire, three years younger than him, is a little different from the rest of the family. Twenty random facts about Teddy Remus Lupin.

  • Metallic

    Hermione is painfully emo, Draco is just misunderstood, and the writer is leaving this piece up only to remind herself she's come a long way.