

  • My Teen Titans Post Season Five

    This is my version of the continuation of Teen Titans since Things Change finale, and Trouble in Tokyo. Continues where it was left off! Seasons 6 & 7 complete! Season 8 ongoing! Trying to recapture the essence of OG Teen Titans episodes. Please read, review and, most importantly, enjoy!

  • Caterpillars

    Despite being a changeling, Beast Boy can't change into a caterpillar nor a butterfly, and can't change the way he deals with love loss. BBRae one-shot.

  • Evergreen Pines

    Just because you're evergreen, doesn't mean you were truly ever joyful. A breezy, heartwarming story about how the green one stole Christmas, by beginning to steal someone's heart... One-shot, warm and sweet like a nice cuppa cocoa.

  • The Only Exception

    Whenever you are feeling down, it's always good to find the exceptions in your life. One night, Raven begins to realize who her exceptions are. BBRae One-Shot though try me if you want it to develop!