
  • 100 Words: Harry Potter

    100 word drabbles from a variety of prompts. Mainly non-canon pairings.

  • Toby's Book Club

    Sequel to Less Traveled By. Toby has a book that he thinks C.J. should read. C.J. doesn't have a clue as to why.

  • Trio

    AU future fic. Harry, Ron and Hermione may have all married other people, but they are still a family. Diverges from canon around book 6.

  • In His Absence

    Dealing with life after the very worst happens. Warning: A MAJOR character death. Non-cannon pairings. Do not read if either upsets you.

  • Very Tragical Mirth

    Full title: "Very Tragical Mirth: A Tedious Brief Scene of Young Draco And His Love Myrtle" Draco and Moaning Myrtle think they are Romeo and Juliet. Written for a badfic exchange.