I wrote this sometime ago and wanted to put it as a little separate side note to my other stories. Got a new job, so maybe too busy to write, maybe I will write more like this, maybe something new who knows. We'll see. Enjoy. Reading other stories is a must.
Part 8. Ben and Hope's grandson Bryan has a new team and a new life ahead.
Part 7! Ben and Hope's grandson Bryan travels to another world to stop an alien invasion from happening on Earth. He is accompanied by his best friend Harvey, and his alien love interest Rosie. Going forward this story is brought you by me and ideas by B.E.A.T.N if you haven't read anything on their profile you definitely should.
In response to BENXCHARMCASTER CHALLENGE, I was challenged to write a fic just for the pair by DannyPhantom619. Never done before by me, thought I try it. Tread Carefully