
  • Blazing Heart Of Cryne

    From the creator of Adventures of The New Elgang, comes a new story! (whichisprobablygonnahavealotofdelaysaswellasAoTNEbutnevermind) This is a tale of a young hero, venturing as a rogue, wanted...savior? Dive into the world of...My Imagination and Fantasy. (Its based on my fantasies and such) :D

  • Kokoro Re-Connecting

    The former CRC members are now all grown up, sorta. The to be demolished building? Theirs. They are inseparable friends, but what happens when they are forced to extend their limits to the stars once more? Balloon vine or is it someone or something else? A RomCom idea. Friendship and bonds. And of course drama!

  • CryneX, Soaked In BloodGoodbye!

    My last story/ message. Well the first part is what i want YOU to add on. :D I would love to see people use that idea...Although you need to tell me to read it so i know :3 Well its optional. Goodbye my good friends.