Asphodel Alighieri

  • Stealing Harry, Robando a Harry

    ¿Qué hubiera pasado si Lucius Malfoy encontraba a Peter antes que Sirius? ¿Y si Sirius siguiera a su ahijado pero tuviera prohibido acercársele? Hasta que un día, Harry encontró a Canuto...

  • Draco Sinister

    Cuando Hermione es secuestrada, Harry y Draco deberán unirse para rescatarla de un mal de hace mil años que amenaza al mundo entero de los magos. Espadas demoníacas malditas, pociones de amor, viajes en el tiempo, dementores, dragones voladores...

  • Sins Of Innocence

    Year 5: In Dark Times where suspicions lays everywhere, the new DADA professors will have to teach children who to defend themselves from He Who Has Not Be Named and his Death Eaters, from people like their own teachers, like them

  • Profiles

    Have you ever want to read all about all the HP characters?? From the founders of Hogwarts to Ginny Weasley. Teachers, Students, Death Eaters, Ghosts and any wizard; even muggles.

  • Moony's Death

    Remus's POV. In 1981, after James and Lily's death. Remus is suffering for the lost of his friends and he is about to face his worst nightmare.