
  • Raindrops

    She was breaking in two, all because she loved him. How many times did she have to tell him before he believed her?

  • Furry Little Problem

    There's something funny about that Lupin kid. But when a few nosy Slytherins apprehend him about it, a snarky Remus Lupin doesn't quite give them the answers they expect. Oneshot.

  • Painting Clouds

    A collection of drabble-esque oneshots: 15 of the fluffiest and most memorable moments of James and Lily. Marauders thrown in here and there to help them through. And be awkward, of course.

  • Seven Years

    At their graduation, the Marauders and Lily reminisce about their years at Hogwarts. Good times, hmm? Dialogue fic.

  • Howl

    One night, Remus's life changed forever: a small child, a strange man, a full moon. He would bear the curse for the rest of his life, but what happened on that night? Oneshot.