
  • Unshackle Me

    The promised plotless trash fic follow-up to "Free Together". Flush with their recent triumph, Jessie and James explore their newfound intimacy, and through it, wage the final battles against their inner demons.

  • Worthless

    In the initial days following Ragyo's defeat, Aikurou tries to keep himself busy, but all the relief effort work in the world can't distract him from his yearning for the ultimate forbidden fruit: his underage, lesbian, half-human former student. Luckily, the universe conspires to give him a reality check or three. SORT OF Mikiryu, but also very much not; M for eventual smut.

  • Matching Wits

    I wondered to myself what would happen if All For One from MHA and Izaya Orihara from Durarara sat down to play a game of chess against each other; my brain conjured this tiny drabble as an answer. Here, I'm assuming that they would be aware of each other's respective stories and universes, MHA probably being an actual Anime/Manga in Durarara.

  • Unworthy

    The war is raging on ever more viciously, and Aizawa sustains a mortal injury. He survives just long enough to be brought back to UA so everyone can say their goodbyes, only for his foster daughter to refuse to let him go…and he can't tell her how much he wishes she would, nor can he tell anyone what he really wants.

  • Rededication

    One last lifetime for everyone; one last chance for a rededication of souls to hold any meaning. They're rare, but everyone likes an excuse to party…and some might want to celebrate the masquerade the proper way, just to be absolutely sure that what they think they feel is real.

  • Goldbeak Isle

    After the events of Fate's Tapestry, Mint was left trapped with Valen, and there's only one place left where she can be brought back: A remote island called Goldbeak Isle - a magical place born from the mind of an 11-year-old, mysterious and dangerous. Note that this fic will NOT be my best work, not by a long shot; it's just a tribute to an idea I had when I was 11 years old.

  • Damage Control

    Zoe was getting used to the Moroi not being dangerous, and then Jill played on her fears to get Sydney away so she could get Adrian. It was a necessary evil, but Sydney could have done something to repair the damage somewhat afterwards. Maybe something like this.

  • What Should Be Said

    Richelle Mead's characters are intelligent, strong, capable, interesting, and flawed - I haven't been so taken by characters in books in a very long time. However, sometimes they don't handle situations too well, and I find myself putting words in their mouths often. I've decided to put all instances of this into one compilation. Individual summaries are provided per ficlet.

  • The Last Move

    Yes, I know, canon officially ended for me after the Season 7 finale, but I saw "Nelson's Sparrow" casually, and…well, the writers didn't do it, so someone had to.

  • The Fires of Madness

    This little ficlet popped into my head when I read the end of The Fiery Heart and that teaser chapter for Silver Shadows that came after. Having now read Silver Shadows, I realize every bit of this goes agains canon, but I'm going to leave it up anyway. It's just a little vision I had of one of the possible endings to Sydney's re-education.

  • Fate's Tapestry

    Sequel to Threads of Fate - need I say more? This fic has been bouncing around in my head for well over a decade, and it's finally coming together; half the ideas are from the mind of an eight-year-old, so please be gentle. Note: I try to keep BOTH stories from the game as canon as possible simultaneously. Credit goes to penname "hahahahahahhahahahahhabye" for the name of an OC.

  • Family Reunion

    Lissa's queen of the Moroi and with Christian, Rose is with Dimitri AND Lissa's guardian, the shadow-kissed bond is broken, all the villains have been punished, all the heroes have their lives back in full, and everyone lived happily ever after…right? Or are we forgetting something? Like, say, that enormous funeral service the Belikovs held for Dimitri? Someone should tell them…