

  • look at me, love

    Because Sasuke's eyes never really leave her form – they never have – his focus on her is soft, but forever constant.

  • share my name forever

    SasuSaku Month 22 Day 1: Passports - in which Sakura sees her new name for the first time

  • and slowly we learn each other

    With the distance of years already between them, and more separation yet to come, Sasuke and Sakura try to figure out where they stand. And more importantly where they are going. This is a story of how they slowly, but surely, relearn each other. SasuSaku blank period fic

  • coffee confessions

    college/university/café au Sasuke is a barista and Sakura is his most annoying, most beautiful customer. He leaves secret messages in her latte art. NrtCCWeek22 day 1, prompt: floriography/language of flowers