
  • Tobias MD

    Welcome to St. Arthur's Hospital for the criminally insane, emphasis on criminals, chock full of Remnant's finest psychopaths, with beautiful pyromaniacs with superiority complexes, to disabled assassins with daddy issues. Tobias Darnell signed himself as a personal doctor in this madhouse to help Neo, however, he has no idea the madness he's in for. M for nudity and Neo's mischief

  • Cut Stem

    Ruby spent her life dedicated to the life of a huntress. It was her dream- her passion. And with a single illegal bullet, it's been stripped from her and left her shattered beyond repair. Yang is on a warpath to find those responsible, no matter how many bridges, and people it takes to burn. Someone has to pick up the pieces left of them before it's too late.

  • The Eagles Nest

    The War of Fodlan has come to an end, uniting the country under the Empire, and its citizens are returning to their daily lives. As love blossoms and bonds begin to reforge, the former students look forward to Garreg Mach's reopening and its festival. While it may seem a tad lazy for the former students to longue in their peace, they deserve it after five years of fighting.

  • Of Vanilla and Coffee Beans

    Jaune's lie has caught up to him, and he's expelled from Beacon. His luck changes however when former criminal and mercenary Felix DeLeone hires him into his cafe, for one last chance to train. With mob bosses in bowler hats, killer midgets, and psychotic, diabolical warlords to contend with, along with striving for the perfect cup of coffee, will he survive to prove his worth?

  • Home Away From Home

    The limelights of the celebrity world are starting to wear Pyrrha out. It would exhaust anyone when you're watched by the world twenty-four seven. Luckily, she has a hidey-hole of her own, with a close friend she can trust. Even if he is an ex-con... (OC x Pyrrha short story) Smut ending.

  • A Gypsy's Gift

    Kali, young and lionhearted, travels with a band of Gypsies, dancing and charming their way to riches and comfort. After happening across a disgraced young Huntsman on the run from bounty hunters she bravely hides him. Beyond grateful, he devotes himself to protecting these women from any matter of Grimm or bandit, and maybe earn Kali's heart along the way. Minor sexual content

  • A Knight Among Barbarians

    With Cardin's mischief and cruelty at an all-time high, Jaune is unconsciously reaching his limit, trying to keep up that fun facade for as long as he could. In reality, he was breaking down, reeling from his own helplessness to improve his life. Luckily for him, a certain heiress took notice and takes it upon herself to mold him into the ideal Knight.

  • The Lions Den

    The time of war has come and gone and the army of Faerghus claimed their victory. Now is the time for recovery as the flames cool and the soldiers settle down. Of course, after a life of war and bloodshed, a little laziness helps every now and again. Fluffy After Story, !Dimileth

  • Ashes to Ashes

    It started with the capture of Byleth Eisner to the Abyss. Hell was raised in an attempt to bring her back, forcing the three House Leaders of Garreg Mach to do something unprecedented- Work together. As new bonds are formed, new enemies revealed, figuring out friend from foe becomes impossible. All due to a brothers love for her sister, and his relentlessness. Eisner Twins AU

  • The Misadventures of One Jaune Arc

    Life in Beacon was the epitome of chaos, especially when you're possibly the most "normal" person in the entire school. With sociopathic chemistry wizards, terrorists with dental issues, accidentally dousing a fiery temptress with love dust, and somehow stealing a shoe from a mobster, one could ask, how can one "normal" noodle keep getting himself into so much trouble?