
  • Psycho Midnight

    Arnold Shortman, Lila Sawyer, and Olga Pataki disappeared several years ago, and Helga hasn't been the same since. Putting on the face of a happy-go-lucky high school girl, she lives a life devoid of true enjoyment or hope. Until that is, a strange boy shows up knowing Arnold's name. What will this stranger reveal, and is Helga prepared for what she will learn?

  • My Star

    A simple change can make all the difference in the world. In one reality, Star Butterfly goes to Echo Creek Academy meets Marco Diaz and begins a chain of events that ends with the destruction of magic and the fusing of disparate realities. But what if, instead, her parents sent her to a very different school, where she meets not the 'safe kid' but the 'problem solver?

  • My Brother the Devil

    Izuku Midoriya, from the day he discovered he was quirkless the entire world told him to give up. But that changes when at age 7, he rescues someone else the world had rejected. That boy becomes the first person to ever tell him that his dream wasn't impossible, that he could indeed become a hero. Sometimes, all it takes to achieve greatness, is one person who believes in you.

  • Chicken Wires

    Lucas never believed the stories of the haunted animatronics. Ghosts and ghouls were nonsense meant to scare little children after all. So when he buys three of the supposedly murderous machines in an attempt to prove it, he assumes he is well equipped to handle things. He is, as it turns out, rather horribly mistaken, though, not QUITE in way way one would think. . .