Edward Carson

  • Downton Abbey 1926

    A Season 7 project. This story takes up Downton Abbey where Julian Fellowes left it, beginning midway through 1926. This is a serious attempt at a "real" season, embracing all the major characters, and most minor ones, and major/minor plotlines for each of them. There will be 10 episodes plus a Christmas Special. Rated T for allusions to mature subject matter.

  • Cornering A Killer

    Who killed Mr. Green? Concerned for Anna's welfare and exasperated by Scotland Yard, Mrs. Carson decides to make her own inquiries. This is set sometime in Season 6 and assumes there has been at least one wedding at Downton Abbey. Parallel to the pursuit of the killer, a little Mr. and Mrs. Carson romance unfolds as well. Finished, at long last.

  • I Loved Her First

    An exploration of the father-daughter relationship between Carson and Lady Mary from the beginning. "Even a butler has his favourites," Carson tells Mary early in Season 1. This story will follow them from the first time they set eyes on each other through the end of the series in 1926. Because their stories are intertwined, Mrs. Hughes eventually comes into it.

  • The Night Before

    On the evening before their wedding day, Izzy and Felix each explore their expectations and hopes in conversation with a sympathetic parent - Muriel for Izzy, Alec for Felix. There are things Izzy wants to know. Felix is more reflective than usual. Rated T for allusions to mature subject matter, but the conversations are Road to Avonlea wholesome, K in actual content.

  • A Death in Flanders

    The boys from Avonlea went to war in 1914, under the command of their former schoolteacher, Colonel Clive Pettibone. One of them isn't coming back. This is a story about the death of a son and a father's grief. Clive Pettibone isn't in the list of characters, but the story is about him.