Jamie Gemini

  • Bitten By The Klaroline Baby Bug

    Caroline sleeps with Klaus the night of graduation and a Nexus Vorti allows her to conceive twins. Afraid for her children's safety, Caroline decides to leave Mystic Falls.

  • Priestess of the Gods

    Medea died and was reborn as a Witch, a priestess of Hecate, the Goddess of Witchcraft and Magic, and she has a mission that she does not know of yet. She decides to change the fates of her favorite characters while living her life to the fullest while staying in the Hellmouth town called Mystic Falls. OC fic, Reincarnation.

  • The Wise Man's Granddaughter

    Shin has a sister. They're both reincarnations who died young, reborn in a world of swords and magic. Adopted by the Wise Man, Merlin, they've spent the past 15 years learning nothing but magic. Overpowered and clueless, they're about to be unleashed on an unsuspecting wolrd.

  • Mikaelson Queen

    What's in the fourth Coffin? It's not Esther. It's the Original Family's treasure and Mystic Falls will run red with blood until it is not returned.

  • A Thousand Years Through History

    Anastasia became the 7th Original Vampire. She goes through all the must-see events and locations of the last thousand years of human history, making her mark on the world while the Mikaelsons run from their father. Join her on this historical journey.

  • Found Family

    Ashley Danvers was not born in North American Wolf Pack. She found them and decided to make them her family after she was thrown away as a child. Trapped in her wolf form to survive, she grew feral, until she found Jeremy, who protected her, fed her, and trained her. The Pack has her undying loyalty. Her family suddenly comes under attack and she will do anything to protect them.