There comes a time when a hero must unleash the true hero within themselves. Join Twilight and her friends as they journey across Equestria and beyond to bring the end of darkness of the evil and mysterious Alicorn Stallion.
The Queen Has Returned, and is better than ever in this special edition of...THE ALICORN QUEEN.
Coming To This Site On May 2023... I, Dinoman213, proudly present a special preview to you...
Here's a Teaser-Trailer Story of the upcoming sequel of EQUESTRIAN AGE.
An Alicorn Mare Loner with a tragic past joins a talkative, hyper, fun-loving Earth Pony and a fast, loyal, and scheming Pegasus on a long treacherous and hilarious north of Equestria to reunite a human infant with the rest of his family. But little do they know, they will only go where nopony has gone before and not only answer the Call Of The Equestrian Wild...
This crossover story tells the story of an Alicorn Princess who was destined to take her place as the new Queen of her kingdom as long as she remembers who she is and must take her rightful place in the Magic Of Friendship. And only then, can she finally be ready to fulfill her destiny and take back what's rightfully hers and her family.
Here's A Sneak Peek of the upcoming All-new ALICORN QUEEN Adventure.
Here's a Trailer Story for the upcoming story of 2022.
Here's a teaser trailer story of an upcoming story of 2022.
11,000 years ago, Hoofed Bird Earth once was dominated by Mega-Elephant Birds. Until suddenly a huge Asteroid/Volcano hybrid exploded on the planet and everything changed. This is the story of the day their world ended. ( Note: This is based on Last Day Of The Dinosaurs ) ( Rated T: For there will be violence and blood in this story )