
  • You Left Me Behind

    Not every animatronic got to leave the sister location as a part of Ennard.

  • Ending E

    Fiona hasn't got a clue what they're going to do now. She's in a foreign country and has no real idea where she is. Civilization is nowhere in sight. Trees and hills stretch as far as the eye can see. She has no money on her. Her parents are dead. The only other family she knows she has left is partially responsible for her arrival at Castle Belli... It should be scary.

  • Not My Valentine

    Nica could try to force open her eyes. She isn't sure if she truly wants to or should, but she could. What will be awaiting her if she does? Another body drenched in red, a face slack with the finality of death, and a horrific injury that will sear itself into her retinas? The glint of a metal nail file? Red lips and a sweet smile with thinly veiled danger lurking beneath?

  • Shards

    "Wait!" Veronica lunged forward and practically smacked the mug out of Heather's hand. It made contact with the wall and broke apart, splattering something blue all over the wall and carpet.

  • Sweet (Concerning) Silence

    Circus Baby is graced with the sound of Ballora's music box every night. It's incredibly annoying.

  • Good-For-Nothing

    Some things are hard to accept.