Darth Luffy

  • This Is What It Feels Like

    Monsters. Angry mudpits. Flammable exes. With all of those distractions finally dealt with, Lizzie and Hope could focus on something new. The way they felt about each other and how to build a relationship when the world was no longer likely to end on Thursday. Or Lizzie and Hope have sex... eventually. Sequel to Beggin For Thread & Waiting Game

  • Another Life

    A quick little oneshot re-write of that confession scene between Lizzie and MG. Now featuring Lizzie being gay, MG trying to be good friend, and everyone finally learning what a sirebond means.

  • Chemicals

    When it came down to it, emotions were really just chemical. And Hope was the all powerful tribrid. It wasn't difficult to keep the unwanted emotions off and turn back on the ones she wanted. Satisfaction, pleasure, etc. It was more fun that way. And now that Lizzie was bonded to her fun was definitely on the table. After all, it wasn't like Lizzie had never made a bad decision.

  • Beggin For Thread

    There were plenty of things Lizzie hated. Malivore, Penelope, polyster, etc. But this damn crush might top her list. Because the only thing worse than an unrequited crush on Hope Mikaelson was one that gave her just enough hope to believe that she actually had a chance. Which was crazy, right? Or Lizzie and Hope go on a date... eventually. Sequel to Waiting Game

  • Despicable You

    Seeing Jinx behind her through the mirror Caitlynn turned to strike her, only to be met with a gun leveled at her face. "Really, now? What were you going to do with that?" Jinx asked, a feral smirk on her face. "I could kill you right now you know. One little squeeze…" An extra scene that continues the bathroom scene that episode 8 ends on.