
  • Ash's Bizarre Misadventures

    Trainers have always had this knack of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Ash Ketchum has had this universal trait cranked up to eleven. So much in fact that people are having a lot of trouble figuring out if he either causes or correlates with the chaos around him, and by proxy, everyone that meets him.

  • Tag Force: Heroes And Villains

    A pauper girl goes to DA with the intent to graduate into a job that has six or more 0's in its paycheck. However, after getting 'acquainted' with her classmate, Jaden Yuki, she now has to deal with demons, primordial forces, soul-sucking card games, and the worst case of them all: teen crushes. If she didn't need the money, she would have left on the 1st boat back. (Slight AU)

  • Shoujo Slip-ups

    Yuudias, unaware of human culture, picks up Yuamu's Shoujo manga she meant to throw away. What happens next involves romance cliches orchestrated by aliens and a girl's heart beating to the point of considering heart medication.