

  • Amarmi

    Sasuke is back. It took him two years to put everything together in his head. But he's finally able to move on, even though it won't be an easy journey at all. The future awaits Sasuke and Sakura, but the past is not completely closed yet. The two will face their toughest challenges - love and trying to come to terms with old mistakes -blank period sasusaku-

  • The Long Way

    Who would have guessed it would all end like this. Without her -sasusaku-

  • Be With Me

    Sakura and Sasuke enjoyed peace and quiet for only a few months. The cruel new Hokage has once again made his presence known. Their feelings will be tested and all fears will have to disappear. Maybe then they could find out what is really going on in Konoha.

  • Run Away

    Times have gotten tough, but remember one thing - I still love you -sasusaku-

  • Stay With Me

    collection of one-shots -sasusaku-