Lux's Sister

  • Mollymauk

    At the end of the Clone Wars, an impulsive decision sets a young woman on the path to rebellion and fifteen years later, an Imperial trainee finds herself consumed by doubts that threaten to destroy her fragile place in the galaxy. Told in dual timelines, the story of two women determined to stand up to the Empire, no matter the personal cost. [Co-authored by DuchessKenobi]

  • Barrick's Heroes

    After Republic weapons are sabotaged above the planet Carida, Anakin and Admiral Yularen are dispatched to investigate. The prime suspect? A prisoner of war camp holding some of the Separatists' feared allies: Terrans, the galactic newcomers from Wild Space. If only they knew what they were in for.

  • Revenge Party

    When Kallus arrives on Yavin 4 not everyone is happy to see him, in particular betrayed former friends Jovan, Swain, and Lyste. Forbidden from causing physical damage but insistent on getting their pound of flesh, Jovan, Lyste, and Swain join forces in the pettiest revenge campaign the rebellion has ever seen. It's like a party with revenge is what it's like.