
  • Eccentric Wizard

    If I had the chance to be reborn, I would live my life to the fullest. No matter what world, what danger or foe that I might face in the future, I will never let any of them hold me back. I want to have fun, discover this breathtaking world of magic and just experience everything life had reserved for me. (OC, slow build and canon divergence.) (Hogwarts)

  • My teenage highschool romance comedy can't be this perverted!

    Our infamous loner and future house husband in training somehow found himself ripped from his reality and reborn into a new one. Not conscious of the dangers of this world and its chaotic yet perverted nature. How will he adapt and will he be able to free himself from his new attention-seeking 'friends? (Lime in later chapter)

  • The legendary Saiyan in a fairy's world

    Cheelai's wish to the dragon went a bit differently, sending Broly in a completely different reality. How will this magical world, filled with mages and guilds react with his sudden presence? Beware for the legendary Saiyan has arrived!

  • The Darkest Future

    There are countless realities, an infinite number of possible universes. Each holding a different story, a different tale. The never ending battle between the Batman Who Laughs and his Prime self end up leading them in the world of Marvel, where a plethora of new opportunities awaited them. (Commissioned)

  • An archer's promise

    In Archer's last moment during the Holy Grail War, he made a promise to Rin, to try his best. Not knowing if he was even capable of keeping up such a promise, while in the service of the Counter Force. Now sent to a new world to eliminate its rising threat, how will our favourite cynical hero deal with the people of this strange yet dark world?

  • Fate Coiling Sword

    Simple actions and choices from the past have the power to alter the future being recognition. Shirou found himself discovering a small trinket of no value to many. But to his ignorance, this item changed the course of his fate beyond anything he thought possible. A twisted fate which coiled itself into another reality, one where Shirou would embark to find his answer.

  • Bats among shinobis

    In the battle against Barbatos forces of darkness and the champions of light, Batman with the unexpected help from Joker fought against Barbatos most favoured knight, The Batman Who Laughs. In the resulting battle a device that would plunge all the Multiverse into darkness was destroyed, sending those three into the Naruto Universe during the Konoha invasion. (Commissioned)

  • The Dark Knights of Remnant

    At the height of a battle between two Batmen, interrupted by their eternal nemesis, something goes horribly wrong. All three are transported to an entirely different world in another Multiverse. Having traveled through The Omniverse, Bruce Wayne now has to save a new world from foes that are his responsibility. (The Batman Who Laughs) (Ozpin, Pyrrha, and Roman live) (Comission}

  • Ending the Immortal Era!

    From the oldest recorded annals of history, till the present day immortals and cultivators have ruled over all of creation with an unbreakable grasp! They pillage...They steal...They destroy...They hold no compassion, no understanding whatsoever for us mortals! Because aren't we less than insects in their eyes? I will change that!