
  • Dorea Narcissa Lestrange

    Voldemort failed to kill all the Potters that night. Dorea Rose Potter was taken and raised by Bellatrix, Rodolphus, and Rabastian Lestrange as well as Regulus Black, staying very close with her cousin, Draco Malfoy. What happens when the Potters finally find their daughter and the famous 'Potter Luck' kicks in during the time she spends at Hogwarts during the Triwizard Tournament?

  • In One Word? Chaos Complete and Utter Chaos

    What happens when a witch nearly as infamous as the Marauders themselves (and told as much by two of the remaining members) teams up with the Trickster god, Loki? Well, the Winchesters aren't happy. Neither are the demons. Or the angels. Will Voldemort even have a chance against Hogwarts at this rate? Or will it have already fallen to a witch nearly 70 years younger than him?

  • The Youngest Winchester(-Potter)

    What if Harry James Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived, was raised by Dumbledore (read House Elves) while his twin sister, Adeline Lilith Potter, was left with the Dursleys. What happens to Dumbledore's carefully calculated plans when Adeline decides she wants nothing to do with them? When she is more Slytherin than his plans had ever taken into consideration? And what about her brother?

  • Not A Potter?

    Mary Rose Potter just went through the Triwizard Tournament, and now finds out that she isn't actually a Potter, but a Winchester. Will she feel more at home with the vessel of Michael, a demon-blood junky, and a hunter so paranoid he could rival Mad-Eye Moody himself?

  • Drabbles

    This will be a collection of drabbles. If asked, I may continue stories. Rating to be safe for future stories.

  • Addy and Blaise

    What if instead of continuing to be enemies after school, the Golden Trio had someone to bring them and some Slytherins together. What if relationships were changed? How would their lives have gone after school if Nymphodora Tonks had had a younger sister? (I'm not the greatest at summaries, please take that into account and read this story.)