

  • By The Name of Albus Dumbledore.

    It's a story from Albus Dumbledore's POV This story took about a week to think of just remember this I'm going to create a second story. I usually don't mind flames but please not for this story, this story reflects on my life.

  • Harry Potter and the Silver Stone.

    I've finnally finished chapter 4!!!

  • Movie Castings

    This is quite funny, It's got riddiculous stars as charicters for the Phillosiphers Stone, I wasn't gonna post it but then thought what the hey? It's a little bit americanised (I'm Australian) But me and my American Pen Pal made it up, Thx Stace.

  • The Sorting Hat

    This is about sorting the kids in Gryffindor from a different point of view!