
  • The eight rules for courting

    Every cat knows these rules, whether they are aware of their existence or not. The rules are set it stone. The rules are an instinct that flows through every single creature, be it in the form of a gentle trickle, a vigorous stream or an unstoppable bore.

  • The Broken Code: Fallen Spirits

    After the events of The Broken Code: Veil of Shadows, the impostor is now imprisoned in the Thunderclan camp. But what the clan cats don't know is that, while Bramblestar's body is trapped, the spirit of its impostor is free to roam the lake and force other ghosts into doing his bidding. No cat, be it living or dead, is safe from the impostor's twisted plans for the clans...

  • The vanishing of Remembrance

    As I speak, your memory of our conversations will gradually become foggier. What was certain to you about me yesterday will not feel so today, and by tomorrow, the questioning of such certainties will fade from your mind completely.