The Defender of the Faith

  • Broken Robin

    2 universes. 2 DCs. One is the one we know. In another, a young Dick Grayson is constantly abused by his Bruce Wayne. When his brothers from the mainstream DC universe find the child, what will they do? Rated for abuse. Filled with angst, bonding, pain, and fluff. I promise it is better than the summary. No cursing, or inappropriateness.

  • The Scarlet and the Gold

    As Barry Allen meets his final fate in the war against the Anti-Monitor, Jay feels as if the Flash has fallen into the past, dead and irrelevant. But there is still life in the legacy of the Flash, and the scarlet and the gold will continue to bring hope to Central City for as long as there are flame-haired proteges to carry on the legacies of their mentors.

  • Flash of the Lightning

    Barry sees visions, premonitions of a death that seems written in stone. But worse than the visions is the dizziness. The weakness. The nameless terror. The dreadful certainty that he leave his wife and nephew and best friend and that there is nothing anyone can do to stop it. He is on a one track course to the future, and each footfall only takes him there faster. Set in JLU verse