

  • Bastion

    Everyone knows that there are four hunter academies in Remnant right? Well, that's not entirely true. You see there are acutely five hunter academies in remnant, Shade, Beacon, Haven, Atlas academy, and Bastion. Never heard of Bastion? For a good reason. You never, under any and all circumstances want to go there. But that's just where a reaper and a knight are sentenced to die.

  • Conqueror

    Jaune was always a strange one. He never got along with his sisters, resented his uncle' teachings and never liked his mother. Well, that could be regular teenage angst or the fact that his mother is Salem, his siblings adopted mutated horrors, his uncles all psychopaths, but! Jaune has a plan, he's going to show them all! There will be no Grimm queen when Jaune Arc rules Remnant!

  • Reverse

    Death was never a pleasant thing, not the first time not the second time and not the three thousandth time. Jaune had lost count of the number of times he was "sent back" sent back to save the world to save everything but fate is not always kind. And after a while, the benefactors of his that keep him in the fight decide to send him back with a bit of a twist to make things, lively