
  • The Wicked Child

    The children of Hermione Granger and Severus Snape were sent off to Hogwarts. What would happen when the rest of Snape's, Potters and Weasleys meet the new addition of the Malfoy in person? Hogwarts will begin chaos again with the newcomers attending, the prank, and their problems with Malfoy. p. s : I don't own Harry Potter.

  • Everything You Never Had (High Priest Love Sequel)

    Twelve year old Dakota Jaden Carnahan. Son of Evelyn and Imhotep. She kept the secret from the child, not wanting him to know who the father was. Dakota wants an answer from Evelyn about Imhotep. In the year of Scorpion, someone must kill the Scorpion King and conquer the world. Who might it be? Find out more about the Carnahan's journey to Ahm Shere with Ardeth Bay.

  • A Girl Name Hermione Granger

    Hermione Jean Granger born in England. Muggles, non-magical girl. She been accept to Hogwarts and sorting into a Gryffindors house. She met her Potions Master teacher who in love with her in secrets. What would she react when he reveal his love to her? Find out more. p. s : I don't own Harry Potter.