
  • Web of Courage

    While on Vacation, the Team comes across a stranger wearing a Spider themed suit, later on as he awakens Peter Parke will discover a new World of Heroes and Villains, many of whom wonder who he is and what send him here.

  • STAR WARS:Saviors of the Galaxy

    Set during The New Jedi Order Series in the SW Expanded Universe, a Group of Characters are pulled from across Time and Space by powerful beings to aid those in the Future in their fight against the Yuuzhan Vong, there they will encounter family, friends and enemies both New and Old in their fight to save the Galaxy.

  • Digimon Dimensional Adventure

    When a New threat emerges that attacks their world, the Digimon Tamers travel into another Dimension to battle it but learn they are heading to the World of the Digidestined with someone who knows them and the Origin of the Digital World