

  • I'm not bitter, I'm just contemplating

    I’m not bitter. Really, I am not. After all, I’m just his best friend. His buddy. His comrade and all that jazz. But is it so hard for him to notice that I am a girl? –From Angelina’s point of view-

  • Career Shmeer

    When Lily finds herself subconsciously planning her future to accommodate with James during the Career Week, she begins to question her true feelings for James.

  • This crazy heat wave

    “This heat wave is making a lot of people go nuts,” said Lily Evans trying to convince herself. Because if it wasn’t true, then why did she feel herself so infatuated with James Potter?

  • Music of My Heart

    Ron's getting ready for a big date. So he asked Hermione out on a practice date. Throw in a candlelit dinner, romantic music, an emotional Hermione. What do you get?