
  • Step On Me

    Byleth takes on three guys at once, and Sothis enjoys the show.

  • Swallow It

    Byleth gives naughty girl Edelgard a mouthful.

  • Hurt People Hurt People

    Rhea needs new hobbies.

  • The Darkest of Nights, The Bleakest of Days: A Humorous Life

    Only weeks ago, Naruto learned of a demon confined in his body, and now, he has succumbed to a grisly change in diet thanks to its influences. Coupled with the existence of an international terrorist roaming the Elemental Nations in search of his kind and an increasing sense of militarism within the once peaceful Konoha, it seems fate has no intentions of giving him an easy life.

  • A Bunch of Random Naruto Fanfics I Began but Never Completed!

    I think the title sums it all up. Well, I'll go into a little detail... These are a bunch of first chapter drafts I've written for various ideas I had concerning Naruto. Most of them are up for grabs, so just ask if you like any of them. I kinda explain what had been going through my head for each story in an Author's Note, so don't miss those if you want to understand what's up.